Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday Comic!

Angela drew this one on the tablet. It looks great!

I'm so tired. Monday night at 2 am Ernie started this terrified howling that woke us both up. The poor guy had had a bad dream or something and scared himself awake. He was so scared that he actually pee'd a little in his kennel.

We took care of him for a bit until he clamed down but then it took me about an hour and a half to fall back asleep.

Then I woke up about 45 minutes late because, in my mostly asleep panic, I had turned off our alarm. I got ready for work in about 20 minutes and was able to make it on time thanks to tuesdays being work at home day for Angela.

It was very exciting. And that's why I'm tired right now.

So, it turns out that there's a 95% chance that my job is seasonal and they just don't tell the people they hire. I've been talking with people that work there who are actual employees and they told me that they usually let all the people with my job go starting in mid-january.

Angela and I decided to curtail the frenzy of buying stuff that we had planned in favor of saving and paying off bills so that, if I do get laid off again, we'll have a much easier time of if because our expenses will be lower and we'll actually have some money in our savings.

Going to sleep now.



  1. Thats just crappy. Perhaps you will be so awsome that they will create a job for you.

  2. ha! That would rock.

    Glad to see you are reading our blog too :-)
